河流階地: river terrace
面源: area source
線源: line source
點源: point source
非點源: non-point source
groundwater 潛水
groundwater artery 地下水干道
groundwater barrier 地下水堡壩
groundwater basin 地下水盆地
groundwater capture 地下水襲奪
groundwater cascade 地下水小瀑布
groundwater cement 潛水泥
groundwater dam 地下水壩
groundwater discharge 地下水排泄
groundwater divide 地下分水界
groundwater flow 地下徑流
groundwater inventory 地下水總量目錄
groundwater level 地下水位
groundwater mound 地下水土丘
groundwater province 地下水區(qū)
groundwater recession 地下水后退
groundwater recession curve 地下水后退曲線
groundwater reservoir 地下水儲集
groundwater runoff 地下徑流
groundwater simulation 地下模擬
groundwater spring 潛水泉
groundwater table 地下水位
group 群
exploitable groundwater 地下水可開采量
groundwater depression cone 地下水下降漏斗
字段名 英文名
站碼 station code
站名 station name
站別 station category
流域名稱 basin name
水系名稱 hydrometric net code
河流名稱 river name
施測項目碼 item code of obervation
行政區(qū)劃碼 administration division code
水資源分區(qū)碼 code of water resources regionalization
設(shè)站年份 year of station establishment
設(shè)站月份 month of station establishment
撤站年份 year of withdrawal of station
撤站月份 month of withdrawal of station
集水面積 drainage area
流入何處 flowing-to
至河口距離 distance to river mouth
基準基面名稱 name of fiducial datum
領(lǐng)導機關(guān) leading agency (administration agency)
管理單位 administration
站址 station location
東經(jīng) longitude
北緯 latitude
測站等級 grade of hydrometric station
報汛等級 grade of Flood-Reporting Station
備注 note
站點碼 station point code
站點名 station point name
測流方法 observation method
控水目的 purpose of control water project
控水工程類型 control water project type
控水工程代碼 code of control water project
控水工程運行規(guī)則 operation regulation of control water project
推流參數(shù) parameter of discharge computation
引水點名 Location name of pumping
排水點名 Location name of surface drainage
實際最大灌溉面積 maximum area of practical irrigation
上界站站碼 station code of upper boundary station
至上界站河段長 length of reach to upper bound station
下界站站碼 code of lower bound station
至下界站河段長 length of reach to lower bound station
高差基數(shù) base of difference in elevation
流域水系碼 codes of hydrographic net of a basin
調(diào)查資料來源單位 office recording investigation data
區(qū)碼 code of zone
區(qū)名 zone name
區(qū)類 zone type
水體總?cè)萘?nbsp;total capacity of water bodies
灌溉水田面積 area of rice paddy irrigated
灌溉面積 irrigation area
城市人口 urban population
工業(yè)總產(chǎn)值 gross industrial output value
水庫和水閘控制面積 drainage area of reservoir or weir or sluice
調(diào)查面積 investigation area
量算地圖比例尺 scale of measured map
連通試驗可靠等級 reliability rank of connectivity pair test
旁證資料可靠等級 reliability level of data witness
面積成果合理性等級 reliability rank of area data
直接上級區(qū)名 zone name of prime at first
調(diào)查報告編號 investigation report number
地理包含關(guān)系 geography contain relation
站點類別 station point category
年 year
相關(guān)站碼 correlative station code
關(guān)系標識 relationship ID
關(guān)系說明 relationship illustration
主斷面遷移號 migration numbers of main cross section
斷面名稱 cross section name
斷面位置 location of cross section
變動年份 changed Year
變動月份 changed month
變動日 changed day
同系列標志 series marker
變動情況 changed conditions
水尺名稱 gage name
水尺型式 gage type
水尺質(zhì)料 material of gage
自記臺類型 type of stage recorder
水尺位置 location of gage
使用情況 use condition
河段情況 river reach circumstance
圖類型 graph type
圖標題 graph title
圖 graph
MIME類型 MIME type
水準點編號 benchmark number
水準點類型 benchmark type
變動日期 date of Setup or change
采用基面名稱 adoption datum name
凍結(jié)或測站基面以上高程 elevation above stationary datum
絕對或假定基面以上高程 elevation above absolute or arbitrary datum
絕對基面名稱 name of absolute or arbitrary datum
水準點型式 benchmark style
水準點位置 benchmark location
引據(jù)水準點編號 number of benchmark from which elevation is measured
變動原因 cause of change
工程名稱 engineering name
工程名稱代碼 engineering name code
開始蓄水年份 begin storing water year
開始蓄水月份 begining month of storing water
校核洪水位 check flood stage
校核庫容 check storage capacity of reservoir
設(shè)計洪水位 design flood stage
設(shè)計庫容 reservoir capacity corresponding to DSFLZ
正常高水位 normal high water level
正常庫容 Normal reservoir storage
死水位 dead pool level
死庫容 dead reservoir capacity
溢洪道號 spillway number
竣工年份 completion year
竣工月份 completion month
溢洪道長度 spillway length
溢洪道堰頂高程 elevation of spillway crest
溢洪道堰頂寬 width of spillway crest
溢洪道設(shè)計最大流量 maximum designed discharge of spillway
閘組號 gate group number
孔型 type of sluice or hole
孔數(shù) count of sluice or hole
孔高 sluice or hole height
孔寬 sluice or hole width
設(shè)計最大流量 maximum designed discharge of sluice or tunnel
翼墻型式 wing wall type
墩頭型式 type of pier head of sluice or tunnel
堰頂閘底形狀 shape of weir crest or sluice bed
設(shè)計灌溉面積 design irrigated area due to sluice or tunnel
工程地址 location of engineering
控制面積 control area
總庫容 total reservoir capacity
最大實灌面積 actually irrigated area due to sluice or tunnel
最大實引排水量 maximum volume of actual diversion or drainage
儀器口徑 mouth diameter of rain gauge
儀器精度 precision of rain gauge
記錄模式 recording mode
獲值模式 sensing mode
絕對高程 elevation above absolute datum
器口離地面高度 instrument height above ground
非汛期觀測段制 observation regime in nonflood season
汛期觀測段制 observation regime in flood season
蒸發(fā)場位置特征 character of location of evaporation-gauging
儀器型式 type of instrument(equipment)
附近地勢 nearby topography
四周障礙物 obstacles around station
起時間 beginning time
止時間 end time
時間 time
起始日期 beginning date
旬起始日期 beginning date of a period of ten days
月 month
日期 date
降水量 precipitation
降水量注解碼 remark code of precipitation
降水日數(shù) number of precipitation days
降水日數(shù)注解碼 remark code of number of precipitation days
最大降水量 maximum precipitation
最大降水量時段長 maximum precipitation duration
最大日降水量 maximum daily precipitation
最大日降水量注解碼 remark code of maximum daily precipitation
最大日降水量出現(xiàn)日期 occurring date of maximum daily precipitation
終霜日期 date of frost disappearance
初霜日期 date of frost appearance
終雪日期 date of snow disappearance
初雪日期 date of snow appearance
終冰日期 date of ice disappearance
初冰日期 date of ice appearance
蒸發(fā)器型式 type of evaporation equipment
水面蒸發(fā)量 surface evaporation
水面蒸發(fā)量注解碼 remark code of evaporation
最大日水面蒸發(fā)量 maximum daily evaporation
最大日水面蒸發(fā)量注解碼 remark code of maximum daily evaporation
最大日水面蒸發(fā)量出現(xiàn)日期 occurring date of maximum daily evaporation
最小日水面蒸發(fā)量 minimum daily surface evaporation
最小日水面蒸發(fā)量注解碼 remark code of minimum daily surface evaporation
最小日水面蒸發(fā)量出現(xiàn)日期 occurring date of minimum daily surface evaporation
觀測高度 observation height
氣溫 air temperature
氣溫注解碼 remark code air temperature
平均氣溫 average air temperature
平均氣溫注解碼 remark code of average air temperature
最高氣溫 maximum air temperature
最高氣溫注解碼 remark code of maximum air temperature
最高氣溫日期 date of maximum air temperature
最低氣溫 minimum air temperature
最低氣溫注解碼 remark code of minimum air temperature
最低氣溫日期 date of minimum air temperature
水汽壓 vapour pressure
水汽壓注解碼 remark code of vapour pressure
平均水汽壓 average vapor pressure
平均水汽壓注解碼 remark code of average vapor pressure
水汽壓力差 difference of vapour pressure
水汽壓力差注解碼 remark code of difference of vapour pressure
平均水汽壓力差 average vapor pressure difference
平均水汽壓力差注解碼 remark code of average vapor pressure difference
風速 wind velocity
風速注解碼 remark code of wind velocity
平均風速 average wind velocity
平均風速注解碼 remark code of average wind velocity
閘上水位 stage in Sluice Upstream
閘上水位注解碼 remark code of upsluice stage
閘下水位 down sluice stage
閘下水位注解碼 remark code of downsluice stage
壩上水位 stage behind dam
壩上水位注解碼 remark code of the stage behind dam
水位 stage
水位注解碼 remark code of stage
平均水位 average stage
平均水位注解碼 remark code of average stage
最高水位 maximum stage
最高水位注解碼 remark code of maximum stage
最高水位日期 occurring date of maximum stage
最低水位 minimum stage
最低水位注解碼 remark code of date of minimum stage
最低水位日期 date of minimum stage
保證率 reliability of stage
保證率水位 reliability stage
保證率水位注解碼 remark code of reliability stage
流量 discharge
平均流量 average discharge
平均流量注解碼 remark code of average discharge
最大流量 maximum discharge
最大流量注解碼 remark code of maximum discharge
最大流量日期 date of maximum discharge
最小流量 minimum discharge
最小流量注解碼 remark code of minimum discharge
最小流量日期 date of minimum discharge
蓄水量 Reservoir Storage
徑流量 runoff
徑流量注解碼 remark code of runoff
徑流模數(shù) runoff modulus
徑流深 runoff in depth
最大洪量時段長 duration of maximum flood volume
最大洪量 maximum flood volume
泥沙類型 sediment type
含沙量 sediment concentration
平均含沙量 average sediment concentration
平均含沙量注解碼 remark code of average sediment concentration
最大含沙量 maximum sediment concentration
最大含沙量注解碼 remark code of maximum sediment concentration
最大含沙量日期 date of maximum sediment concentration
最小含沙量 minimum sediment concentration
最小含沙量注解碼 remark code of minimum sediment concentration
最小含沙量日期 date of minimum sediment concentration
平均輸沙率 average sediment discharge
平均輸沙率注解碼 remark code of average sediment discharge
最大日平均輸沙率 maximum average of daily sediment discharge
最大日平均輸沙率注解碼 remark code of maximum average of daily sediment discharge
最大日平均輸沙率出現(xiàn)日期 occurring date of maximum average of daily sediment discharge
輸沙量 sediment runoff
輸沙量注解碼 remark code of sediment runoff
輸沙模數(shù) sediment runoff modulus
采樣儀器型號 model number of sampling instrument
采樣效率系數(shù) efficiency coefficient of sampling
上限粒徑 upper limit particle size
平均沙重百分數(shù) average percent of sediment weight
中數(shù)粒徑 median particle diameter
平均粒徑 average particle diameter
最大粒徑 maximum particle diameter
水溫 water temperature
水溫注解碼 remark code of water temperature
平均水溫 average water temperature
平均水溫注解碼 remark code of average water temperature
最高水溫 maximum water temperature
最高水溫注解碼 remark code of maximum water temperature
最高水溫日期 occurring date of maximum water temperature
最低水溫 minimum water temperature
最低水溫注解碼 remark code of minimum water temperature
最低水溫日期 date of minimum water temperature
冰情注解碼 remark code of ice condition
河心冰厚 ice thickness at river center
岸邊冰厚 Thickness of Border Ice
冰上雪深 snow depth on ice
岸上氣溫 air temperature on bank
解凍日期 date of ice break up
封凍日期 ice freeze up date
上半年封凍天數(shù) number of actual freeze up days in first half of year
下半年封凍天數(shù) number of actual freeze up days in second half of year
終止流冰日期 end date of ice run
開始流冰日期 beginning date of ice run
河心最大冰厚 maximum ice thickness at river center
河心最大冰厚出現(xiàn)日期 occurring date of the maximum ice thickness at river center
岸邊最大冰厚 Maximum thickness of border Ice
岸邊最大冰厚出現(xiàn)日期 occurring date of maximum thickness of border ice
最大流冰塊長度 maximum length of ice floe
最大流冰塊寬度 maximum width of ice floe
最大流冰塊冰速 maximum velocity of ice floe
斷面平均冰速 average ice flow velocity at cross section
最大冰上雪深 maximum snow depth on ice
最大冰上雪深出現(xiàn)日期 occurring date of maximum snow depth on ice
春季最大冰流量 maximum ice discharge in spring
春季最大冰流量注解碼 remark code of maximum ice discharge in spring
春季最大冰流量日期 occurring date of ice discharge in spring
冬季最大冰流量 maximum ice discharge in winter
冬季最大冰流量注解碼 remark code of occurring data of maximum ice discharge in winter
冬季最大冰流量日期 occurring data of maximum ice discharge in winter
春季總冰流量 gross ice discharge in spring
春季總冰流量注解碼 remark code of gross ice discharge in spring
冬季總冰流量 gross ice discharge in winter
冬季總冰流量注解碼 remark code of ice discharge in winter
年總冰流量 yearly total ice discharge
年總冰流量注解碼 remark code yearly total ice discharge
平均冰流量 average ice discharge
平均冰流量注解碼 remark code of average ice discharge
總冰流量 total of ice discharge
總冰流量注解碼 remark code of total of ice discharge
最大冰流量 maximum ice discharge
最大冰流量注解碼 remark code of maximum ice discharge
最大冰流量日期 date of maximum ice discharge
潮別 tidal type
潮位 tidal level
潮位注解碼 remark code of tidal level
潮差 tidal range
歷時 duration
潮流量 tidal discharge
潮量 tidal volume
潮輸沙率 tidal sediment discharge
潮輸沙量 tidal sediment runoff
平均高潮潮位 average high tidal level
平均高潮潮位注解碼 remark of average high tidal level stage
最高高潮位 Maximum high tidal stage
最高高潮位注解碼 remark code of Maximum high tidal stage
最高高潮位出現(xiàn)時間 occurring time of Maximum high tidal stage
最低高潮位 minimum high tidal stage
最低高潮位注解碼 remark code of minimum high water level
最低高潮位出現(xiàn)時間 occurring time of minimum high tidal stage
平均低潮潮位 average low tidal level
平均低潮潮位注解碼 remark of average low tidal level
最高低潮位 maximum low tidal stage
最高低潮位注解碼 remark code of maxiumm low tidal stage
最高低潮位出現(xiàn)時間 occurring time of maximum low tidal stage
最低低潮位 minimum low tidal stage
最低低潮位注解碼 remark code of minimum low tidal stage
最低低潮位出現(xiàn)時間 occurring time of minimum low tidal stage
平均漲潮潮差 average of flood tide range
平均漲潮潮差注解碼 remark code of average of flood tide range
最大漲潮潮差 maximum flood tidal range
最大漲潮潮差注解碼 remark code of maximum flood tidal range
最大漲潮潮差(高潮)時間 time of maximum flood tidal range
最小漲潮潮差 minimum flood tidal range
最小漲潮潮差注解碼 remark code of minimum flood tidal range
最小漲潮潮差(高潮)時間 high tidal time of minimum flood tidal range
平均落潮潮差 average ebb tide range
平均落潮潮差注解碼 remark code of average of ebb tidal range
最大落潮潮差 maximum ebb tidal range
最大落潮潮差注解碼 remark code of maximum ebb tidal range
最大落潮潮差(高潮)時間 high water occurring time of maximum ebb tidal range
最小落潮潮差 minimum ebb tidal range
最小落潮潮差注解碼 remark code of minimum ebb tidal range
最小落潮潮差(高潮)時間 high water occurring time of minimum ebb tidal range
平均漲潮歷時 average flood tidal duration
平均漲潮歷時注解碼 remark code of average of flood tidal range
最長漲潮歷時 maximum flood tidal duration
最長漲潮歷時注解碼 remark code of maximum flood tide duration
最長漲潮歷時(高潮)時間 high water occurring time of maximum flood tidal duration
最短漲潮歷時 minimum flood tidal duration
最短漲潮歷時注解碼 remark code of minimum flood tidal duration
最短漲潮歷時(高潮)時間 high tidal time of minimum flood tidal duration
平均落潮歷時 mean ebb tide duration
平均落潮歷時注解碼 remark code of mean ebb tide duration
最長落潮歷時 maximum ebb tidal duration
最長落潮歷時注解碼 remark code of maximum ebb tidal duration
最長落潮歷時(高潮)時間 high water occurring time of maximum ebb tidal duration
最短落潮歷時 minimum ebb tidal duration
最短落潮歷時注解碼 remark code of minimum ebb tidal duration
最短落潮歷時(高潮)時間 high tidal time of Minimum ebb tidal duration
逐時平均潮位 hourly average tidal stage
逐時平均潮位注解碼 remark code of hourly average tidal stage
平均潮差 average tide range
平均潮差注解碼 remark code of yearly average tide range
平均歷時 average tidal duration
平均歷時注解碼 remark code of average tidal duration
施測日期 beginning date of measurement
測次號 observation number
垂線號 numbers of typical verticals
起點距 distance from initial point
河底高程 river bed elevation
河底高程注解碼 remark code of river bed elevation
測時水位 stage during observation
測時水位注解碼 remark code of stage during observation
垂線方位 vertical azimuth
斷面名稱及位置 cross section name and location
測次說明 note
引用施測日期 date of quoted observation
引用測次號 number of quoted observation
引用起始起點距 beginning distance from initial point
引用終止起點距 end distance from initial point
岸別符號 bank symbol
痕跡類型 trace type
日 day
時 hour
分 minute
點編號 point code
點詳細位置 point detailed location
點東經(jīng) point east longitude
點北緯 point north latitude
點高程 point elevation
點參數(shù) point parameter
指認人及印象 witness man's impression
目擊和旁證可靠等級 reliability rank of witness
痕跡和標志物可靠等級 reliability level of trace or flag
估計誤差范圍 estimation error range
調(diào)查日期 investigation date
起始年 beginning year
起始月 beginning month
起始日 beginning day
起始時 beginning hour
起始分 beginning minute
終止年 end year
終止月 end month
終止日 end day
終止時 end hour
終止分 end minute
雨情描述 description of rainfall information
重現(xiàn)期 Recurrence Interval
重現(xiàn)期統(tǒng)計截止年 cut-off year of statistics of recurrence interval
目擊和水痕可靠等級 reliability rank of witness or trace
承雨器障礙物可靠等級 reliability level of rain collector barrier before rainfall
承雨器雨前可靠等級 reliability level of rain collector before rainfall
承雨器漫溢滲漏可靠等級 reliability level of loss quantity of rain collector seepage or overflow
水位可靠等級 reliability level of stage
推算流量方法 method of discharge computation
水流邊界 flow boundary
推算流量資料可靠等級 reliability level of data used in discharge computation
推算流量方法可靠等級 reliability level of method of discharge computation
推算流量成果合理性等級 reliability level of discharge computation
次水量 water volume of one flood
水情描述 description of hydrological information
流量施測號數(shù) number of discharge observation
測流起時間 beginning time of flow measurment
測流止時間 end time of flow measurement
測流方法 Method of flow measurement
基本水尺水位 base gage stage
流量注解碼 remark code of discharge
斷面總面積 total of cross section area
斷面過水面積 wetted cross-section area
斷面面積注解碼 remark code of cross section area
斷面平均流速 average flow velocity at a cross-section
斷面最大流速 maximum flow velocity at a cross-section
水面寬 top width
斷面平均水深 Average water depth at cross section
斷面最大水深 maximum water depth
水浸冰冰底寬 ice bottom width
水浸冰冰底平均水深 ice bottom average depth
水浸冰冰底最大水深 ice bottom maximum depth
水面比降 surface slope
糙率 roughness
時段類別 category of interval
水量類別 category of water quantity
水量 water quantity
水量測算方法 estimation method of water quantity
年實測水量占比 percent of observation water-quantity in total
水量計算方法可靠等級 reliability level of estimation method of water quantity
水量成果合理性等級 fitness rank of water quantity data
起時間閘(壩)上水位 upstream stage of beginning time
起時間閘(壩)上水位注解碼 remark code of upstream stage at beginning time
起時間閘(壩)下水位 downstream stage at beginning time
起時間閘(壩)下水位注解碼 remark code of downstream stage of beginning time
最大流量出現(xiàn)時間 Occurring Time of Maxmum Discharge
實測蓄水變量 observed water storage
調(diào)查蓄水變量 investigation storage
實測灌溉還原水量 observed restoring water quantity in irrigation
調(diào)查灌溉還原水量 restoring water quantity of investigation in irrigation
水平梯田攔蓄地面徑流量 surface water runoff catched by level terraced field
工業(yè)生活還原水量 restoring water quantity of industrial water or domestic water
實測工業(yè)生活還原水量 observed water quantity of industrial water or domestic water
區(qū)內(nèi)除澇排水量 water quantity of waterlogging control in zone
實測區(qū)內(nèi)除澇排水量 observed water quantity of waterlogging control in zone
跨流域引水量 water quantity of interbasin transfer
實測跨流域引水量 observed water quantity of interbasin transfer
跨區(qū)回歸水量 return flow in cross zone
實測跨區(qū)回歸水量 observed return flow in cross zone
跨區(qū)回歸水量測算方法 estimation method of return flow in cross zone
跨區(qū)潰壩水量 water quantity of cross zone dam-break
實測跨區(qū)潰壩水量 observed water quantity of cross zone dam-break
跨區(qū)潰壩水量測算方法 estimation method of water quantity of cross zone dam-break
潰壩還原水量 restoring water quantity in dam-break
跨區(qū)分洪水量 water quantity of cross zone flood diversion
實測跨區(qū)分洪水量 observed water quantity of cross zone flood diversion
跨區(qū)分洪水量測算方法 estimation method of water quantity of cross zone flood diversion
分洪還原水量 restoring water quantity of flood diversion
跨區(qū)決口水量 water quantity of cross zone branching
實測跨區(qū)決口水量 observed water quantity of cross zone branching
跨區(qū)決口水量測算方法 estimation method of water quantity of cross zone branching
決口還原水量 restoring water quantity of bursting
暗河交換水量 exchanged water volume between underground rivers
暗河交換水量估算方法 method of estimating exchanged water volume between underground rivers
暗河交換水量參證站相似程度 similar level of bench-mark station of exchanged water volume between underground rivers
暗河交換水量平衡程度 balance level of exchange water between underground rivers
跨區(qū)滲漏水量 water quantity of cross zone seepage
淺層地下水還原水量 restoring water quantity of shallow groundwater
實測淺層地下水還原水量 observed restoring water quantity of shallow underground water
淺層地下水還原水量測算方法 estimation method of restoring water quantity of shallow groundwater
深層地下水還原水量 restoring water quantity of deep-layer groundwater
實測深層地下水還原水量 observed restoring water quantity of deep layer underground water
深層地下水還原水量測算方法 restoring water quantity of deep-layer groundwater
泉水出露量 capacity of spring
總進水量 total inflow runoff
總出水量 total outflow runoff
降水總量 precipitation
蒸散發(fā)總量 total evapotranspiration
蓄水水面蒸發(fā)增損水量 water quantity extracted by evaporation on water surface
出口水體起時間水位 stage of overflow water body at beginning time
出口水體起時間蓄水量 storage of overflow water body at beginning time
輸沙率施測號數(shù) number of sediment discharge observation
測沙起時間 beginning time of sediment concentration measurement
測沙止時間 end time of sediment concentration measurement
測沙斷面位置 location of cross section for sediment concentration measurement
取樣方法 sampling method
斷面平均含沙量 average sediment concentration at cross-section
斷面平均含沙量注解碼 remark code of average sediment concentration at cross section
單樣含沙量 index sediment concentration
單樣含沙量測驗方法 observational method of index sediment concentration
懸移質(zhì)輸沙率 suspended sediment discharge
懸移質(zhì)輸沙率注解碼 remark code of suspended sediment discharge
推移質(zhì)輸沙率 bed load sediment discharge
推移質(zhì)輸沙率注解碼 remark code of bed load sediment discharge
單樣推移質(zhì)輸沙率 index bed load sediment discharge
推移質(zhì)平均底速 average velocity of bed load
推移帶寬度 width of bed load sediment discharge
斷面平均單寬輸沙率 average sediment discharge in unit width at cross section
垂線最大輸沙率 maximum vertical sediment discharge
垂線最大輸沙率相應起點距 distance of maximum vertical sediment discharge from initial point
單斷沙碼 code of index or cross sectional sediment
起始施測號 begin observation number
終止施測號 end observation number
取樣起時間 beginning time of sampling
取樣止時間 end time of sampling
沙重百分數(shù) sediment weight percent
最大顆粒重量 sediment maximum particle weight
最大顆粒起點距 distance from initial point where measuring the maximum particle
平均沉速 mean settling velocity
施測水溫 water temperature at measurement
粒徑分析方法 analysis method of particle side
注解碼 remark code
沙量類別 category of silt-quantity
沙量 silt-quantity
沙量測算方法 estimation method of silt-quantity
年實測沙量占比 percent of observation silt-quantity in total
沙量測算方法可靠等級 reliability level of estimation method of silt-quantity
沙量成果合理性等級 reliability level of silt-quantity data
水量資料可靠等級 reliability level of water quantity source
沖淤量 sediment quantity of scour-silt
實測沖淤量 observed sediment quantity of scour-silt
灌溉挾沙量 silt-quantity taked through irrigation
實測灌溉挾沙量 observed sediment discharge of irrigation
工業(yè)生活挾沙量 sediment discharge of industrial water or domestic water
實測工業(yè)生活挾沙量 observed sediment discharge of industrial water or domestic water
跨流域引水挾沙量 silt-quantity taked through interbasin transfer
實測跨流域引水挾沙量 observed sediment quantity taked by interbasin transfer
潰壩沖淤量 sediment quantity of scour-silt in dam-break
實測潰壩沖淤量 observed silt-quantity of scour-silt in dam-break
分洪沖淤量 sediment quantity of scour-silt in flood diversion
實測分洪沖淤量 observed silt-quantity of scour or sedimentation in flood diversion
決口沖淤量 degradation or sedimentation in bursting
實測決口沖淤量 observed sediment quantity of scour-silt in branching
總進沙量 total inflow silt-quantity
總出沙量 total outflow silt-quantity
測次起時間 beginning time of observation
測次止時間 end time of observation
測驗斷面位置 location of cross section
冰流量 ice discharge
冰流量注解碼 remark code of ice discharge
斷面平均疏密度 average ice compaction at cross section
斷面平均冰厚或冰花厚 average depth of ice or frazil slush at cross section
敞露水面寬 open water width
斷面平均冰花密度 density of frazil slush at cross section
冰花折算系數(shù) adjustment factor of frazil slush
測流斷面位置 location of cross section
代表垂線平均流速 average velocity on typical vertical
潮流量注解碼 remark code of tidal discharge
代表垂線號 number of typical velocity vertical
代表垂線流速 velocity of typical vertical
潮流期編號 number of duration of tidal current
潮流期起時間 beginning time of duration of tidal current
潮流期止時間 end time of duration of tidal current
測流前低潮潮位 low tidal level before flow measurement
測流前低潮潮位出現(xiàn)時間 Occuring time of the low tidal level before flow measurement
高潮潮位 high tidal level
高潮潮位出現(xiàn)時間 occurring time of high tidal level
低潮潮位 low tidal level
低潮潮位出現(xiàn)時間 occurring time of low tidal level
開始落憩潮位 tidal level at beginning of ebb slack tide
漲潮憩流潮位 flood slack tidal stage
漲潮憩流潮位出現(xiàn)時間 occurring time of flood slack tide
終止落憩潮位 tidal stage at end of ebb slack tide
漲潮潮差 flood tidal range
漲潮最大流速 maximum velocity of flood tide
漲潮潮量 flood tidal volume
漲潮潮量注解碼 remark code of flood tidal volume
漲潮潮流歷時 flood tidal current duration
漲潮平均流量 average discharge of flood tide
漲潮平均流量注解碼 remark code of average discharge of flood tide
落潮潮差 ebb tide range
落潮最大流速 maximum velocity of ebb tide
落潮潮量 ebb tidal volume
落潮潮量注解碼 remark code of ebb tidal volume
落潮潮流歷時 ebb tidal current duration
落潮平均流量 average discharge of ebb tide
落潮平均流量注解碼 remark code of average discharge of ebb tide
凈泄量 net outflow volume
開閘時間 opening gate time
關(guān)閘時間 closing gate time
開閘前穩(wěn)定水位 stable stage before sluicing
閘上最高水位 Maximum stage in Sluice Upstream
閘上最低水位 Minimum stage in Sluice Upstream
閘下水位 Stage in Sluice Downstream
水位差 stage difference
有效潮差 effective tidal range
一潮總水量 total water volume of single tide
一潮總水量注解碼 remark code of total water volume of single tide
一潮歷時 duration of single tide
一潮平均流量 average discharge of single tide
一潮平均流量注解碼 remark code of average discharge of single tide
一潮最大流量 maximum discharge of single tide
一潮最大流量注解碼 remark code of maximum discharge of single tide
自變量名 name of independent variable
自變量值 value of independent variable
調(diào)查報告標題 investigation report title
調(diào)查項目 investigation item
調(diào)查年份 investigation year
編寫年份 redaction year
調(diào)查單位 investigation office
主編單位 Chief editorial unit
調(diào)查報告內(nèi)容 investigation report contents
調(diào)查報告格式 investigation report format
表標識 table ID
時間殘缺記錄編號 number of time deformity record
字段標識 field identifier
取值 value
率定次序號 serial number of rating
閘上水頭 head in Sluice Upstream
閘下水頭 Head in Sluice Downstream
閘門開啟平均高度 operation height of gate opening
閘門開啟平均高度注解碼 remark code of operation height of gate opening
閘門開啟孔數(shù) count of operation gate opening
閘門開啟總寬 total width of gate-openings
平均堰寬 average width of weir
閘孔過水面積 area of wetted cross section of gate openings
實測流量 observed discharge
實測流量注解碼 remark code of observed discharge
流態(tài) flow regime
流量計算公式編號 formula number of discharge calculation
流量系數(shù) discharge coefficient
流量系數(shù)注解碼 remark code of discharge coefficient
水閘型式 weir and sluice type
翼墻形式 wing wall type
平均引水角 average driving angle
閘上河寬 upsluice river width
閘下河寬 river width in sluice downstream
閘門型式 weir gate type
閘底高程 elevation of sluice bottom
堰頂高程 elevation of weir crest
堰頂形狀 shape of weir crest
總孔數(shù) total number of gate openings
單孔寬 single gate opening width of weir gate
單孔寬注解碼 remark code of gate opening width of weir gate
平均孔寬 average of gate opening width
總孔寬 total width of gate opening
閘門高度 gate height
平均開度 average gate opening height
閘墩厚 thickness of pier
機組號 group number of machines
站上水位 upstation stage
站下水位 downstation stage
站上水頭 upstation head
開機功率 electric power generated or consumed
開機臺數(shù) count of machines in operation
開機葉片角度 vane angle of machines in operation
葉輪直徑 impeller diameter
實際轉(zhuǎn)速 practical speed of revolution
出水閥過水面積 wetted area of outlet valve
效率計算公式編號 formula number of efficiency calculation
效率值 efficiency value
效率值注解碼 remark code of efficiency value
機型 machine type
裝機臺數(shù) count of machine
出水管路斷面面積 wetted area of pipe line cross section
標定轉(zhuǎn)速 rated speed of revolution
單機額定功率 single rated power
單機設(shè)計流量 single design discharge
設(shè)計揚程 design lift
駝峰底高 hump bottom elevation
起排水位 begining pumping stage
關(guān)系線類別 relation curve category
線號 curve number
因變量名 dependent variable
定線數(shù)據(jù)起時間 beginning time of the data for determining a relation curve
定線數(shù)據(jù)止時間 end time of routing location data
定線數(shù)據(jù)下限自變量值 routing location lower limit independent variable
定線數(shù)據(jù)上限自變量值 routing location upper limit independent variable
線參數(shù)表達式 curve parameter expression
關(guān)系圖名 chart name
適用期起時間 beginning time of application
適用期止時間 end time of application
定線點據(jù)總數(shù) amount of points for determining a relation curve
定線方法 method of determining a relation curve
系統(tǒng)誤差 systematic error
隨機不確定度 random error
線上采樣點編號 curve sample point number
采樣點自變量值 curve sample point independent variable
采樣點因變量值 curve sample point dependent variable
計量單位 unit name
記錄定位標識 record location identifier
原值 original value
改正值 corrected value
處理日期 date of correction
處理情況說明 correction explanation
入庫標識 identifier of reservoir inflow
注解符號 remark symbol
ASCII值 numeric ASCII Code
注解符號類型 remark symbol type
注解含義 meaning of remark
表號 table number
表中文名 table name in Chinese
表英文名 table name in English
字段中文名 field name in Chinese
字段英文名 field name in English
字段類型及長度 field type and field length
空值屬性 attribute of "null"
計量單位 unit name
取值范圍 value range
主鍵屬性 attribute of primary key
農(nóng)歷年 lunar year
農(nóng)歷月 lunar month
農(nóng)歷日 lunar day
農(nóng)歷年名 name of lunar year
農(nóng)歷月名 name of lunar month
農(nóng)歷日名 name of lunar day
行政區(qū)劃名 administration division name